! Alert

New York Harbor will be experiencing planned closures on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Because of this, Governors Island ferry service may be impacted between 12:30-1:30pm and 6:30-7:30pm on February 7. Times are subject to change; click here or follow us on Twitter for updates.

New York Harbor will be experiencing planned closures on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Because of this, Governors Island ferry service may be impacted between 12:30-1:30pm and 6:30-7:30pm on February 7. Times are subject to change; click here or follow us on Twitter for updates.

Gov­er­nors Island Arts’ Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence Present New Pub­lic Pro­grams This Fall


"Supremacy Project" at MoCADA Abolition House, photo by Maiko Sein

Gov­er­nors Island Arts today announced new fall pro­gram­ming from the sea­son­al Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence in the his­toric for­mer mil­i­tary hous­es of Nolan Park and Colonels Row, expand­ing cul­tur­al offer­ings for Gov­er­nors Island vis­i­tors and explor­ing themes includ­ing abo­li­tion, ori­gins of Latin Amer­i­can art, inter­sec­tions of art and tech­nol­o­gy, strug­gles for racial and gen­der equi­ty, and more. 

Gov­er­nors Island attracts a vari­ety of vis­i­tors with its wide-rang­ing Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence pro­gram­ming and this Fall’s pieces are the epit­o­me of unique expe­ri­ences in the mid­dle of New York Har­bor,” said Deputy May­or for Eco­nom­ic and Work­force Devel­op­ment Maria-Tor­res Springer. I encour­age every New York­er to vis­it Gov­er­nors Island’s Nolan Park and Colonels Row, which include pow­er­ful pieces high­light­ing the arts, cul­ture, and technology.”

As Gov­er­nors Island’s cul­tur­al com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­ues to grow, we are excit­ed to present even more engag­ing cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences from the more than two-dozen Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence from across the city,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. There’s no place in New York City quite like Gov­er­nors Island – from our acces­si­ble recre­ation­al expe­ri­ences to our stun­ning, eco­log­i­cal­ly inno­v­a­tive land­scapes, to one of the most diverse col­lec­tions of cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences to be pre­sent­ed in one place – I encour­age all New York­ers to hop on the fer­ry and take advan­tage of all the Island has to offer this fall.” 

The Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence pro­gram rep­re­sents a pow­er­ful cross-sec­tion of per­spec­tives from around New York City, and we are thrilled for vis­i­tors to be able to expe­ri­ence the expand­ed pro­gram offer­ings for the fall months,” said Juan Pablo Siles, Asso­ciate Cura­tor and Pro­duc­er at the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island. These new offer­ings put into prac­tice the mis­sion of Gov­er­nors Island Arts, engag­ing with the most press­ing issues of our time and respond­ing to the Island’s unique envi­ron­ments, while fur­ther con­nect­ing the artis­tic hub on Gov­er­nors Island to the city­wide arts and cul­tur­al community.” 

Reflect­ing the diver­si­ty of New York City in one cul­tur­al hub, Gov­er­nors Island Arts’ sea­son­al Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence pro­gram presents dynam­ic, acces­si­ble, free pro­gram­ming to Island vis­i­tors each year. 2022 Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence include 4heads, Amer­i­can Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty House, Art­Crawl Harlem, Beam Cen­ter, Bil­lion Oys­ter Project, BronxArt­Space, Bronx His­pan­ic Festival/​New York Latin Amer­i­can Art Tri­en­ni­al, the Cli­mate Muse­um, Escap­ing Time: Art from U.S. Pris­ons, Flux Fac­to­ry, Har­vest­works, KODA, MoCA­DA, NARS Foun­da­tion, New Art Deal­ers Alliance, New York Vir­tu­al Vol­cano Obser­va­to­ry, Nation­al Acad­e­my of Design, NYC Audubon, NYU Gal­latin Wet­Lab, Pratt School of Architecture’s GAUD Pro­gram, Swale, Tri­an­gle Arts, and the West Harlem Art Fund. 

See below for a sched­ule of upcom­ing free exhi­bi­tions and pub­lic pro­grams, with more to be announced in the com­ing weeks at www​.gov​is​land​.org.

BronxArt­Space: Artist Res­i­den­cy & Open Studios


Colonels Row Build­ing 407A

BronxArt­Space is a com­mu­ni­ty-based orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing local and often under-resourced artists, fos­ter­ing projects that engage vital social, edu­ca­tion­al, and polit­i­cal con­cerns. On Gov­er­nors Island, BronxArt­Space will host their annu­al artist res­i­den­cy for sev­en Bronx-based artists along­side open stu­dios Sep­tem­ber 24 – 25 and Octo­ber 29 – 30.

Escap­ing Time: Art from U.S. Prisons

August 20-Octo­ber 30

Colonels Row Build­ing 410A

Found­ed in 2013, Escap­ing Time: Art from U.S. Pris­ons works to change the way peo­ple who have been through the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem are viewed by soci­ety as a whole. By exhibit­ing and sell­ing art­work cre­at­ed behind prison walls, they engage Gov­er­nors Island vis­i­tors with issues relat­ed to the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, serv­ing as a reminder that there are human beings behind each piece. Join for an open­ing recep­tion on August 27 from 5 – 7pm.

New York Latin Amer­i­can Art Tri­en­ni­al 2022 (NYLAAT) pre­sent­ed by the Bronx His­pan­ic Festival

August 29-Novem­ber 16

Colonels Row Build­ing 405B

New to Gov­er­nors Island is the 2022 New York Latin Amer­i­can Art Tri­en­ni­al (NYLAAT), pre­sent­ed under the umbrel­la of the Bronx His­pan­ic Fes­ti­val at eight loca­tions through­out New York City. This year’s theme, Abya Yala: Struc­tur­al Ori­gins, explores pre-Columbian, African, and Euro­pean influ­ence and the com­pul­sive changes on Latin Amer­i­can art brought along with the con­tem­po­rary era. NYLAAT 2022 on Gov­er­nors Island will fea­ture the work of 10 artists on dis­play through the fall.

NYU Gal­latin Wet­Lab: feel rub­ble

Sep­tem­ber 10-Octo­ber 30

Colonels Row Build­ing 403

feel rub­ble assem­bles his­toric mul­ti­me­dia works by Bev­er­ly Buchanan and Bet­ty Beau­mont, along with a site-respon­sive sculp­tur­al inter­ven­tion by Gabriela Salazar. Join for an open­ing par­ty on Sep­tem­ber 10 from 4 – 7pm.

Amer­i­can Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty House

Nolan Park Build­ing 15

The Amer­i­can Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty House will present sev­er­al free pub­lic arts pro­grams through­out the fall, includ­ing staged read­ings, open rehearsals, and per­for­mances from Chatha/​Choctaw, Creek, and Delaware Native Amer­i­can per­former, writer, direc­tor, and actor Nichol­son Bil­ley; Mohawk actress, direc­tor, and writer Danielle Gray; LeAnne Howe, Mar­la Carl­son, and Muriel Miguel. 

Flux Fac­to­ry

Colonels Row Build­ing 404A

Free, artist-led pub­lic pro­grams at Flux Sat­ur­days, held on the last Sat­ur­day of each month through the end of Octo­ber – includ­ing per­for­mances, exhi­bi­tions, open stu­dios, work­shops, and more.

Har­vest­works: Flu­id — an art and tech exhibition

August 27-Octo­ber 30

Nolan Park Build­ing 10B

Through tech-focused art­works, Flu­id brings togeth­er artists work­ing in a vari­ety of media includ­ing recy­cled elec­tron­ics, web-VR, and immer­sive sound and image instal­la­tions. Bring­ing atten­tion to the flu­id rela­tion­ships between human, ani­mal, and machines, each work explores these issues through the lens of the artist. 

KODA: Mil­dred Bel­tré: Work­ing to get there

August 12-Sep­tem­ber 18

Colonels Row Build­ing 404B

Through her agit­prop work and poet­ic ges­tures, Mil­dred Bel­tré gen­er­ates desire and invites imag­i­na­tion to dream with eyes open wide. Work­ing to get there takes its title from pre-fig­u­ra­tive and abo­li­tion­ist writ­ing and presents prints, draw­ings, cro­chets, and human hair instal­la­tions cre­at­ed between the years of 2002 – 2022 that rep­re­sent a pow­er­ful strug­gle for racial and gen­der equi­ty that is cru­cial to hope and joy. 

KODA x Res­i­den­cy Unlim­it­ed — The Snake & The Archive

August 20-Sep­tem­ber 10

Colonels Row Build­ing 404B

The Snake & The Archive is a col­lab­o­ra­tive research & instal­la­tion project by Stephanie Misa and queer fem­i­nist, zine-pro­duc­ing duo Mul­ti­ple Spir­its. The instal­la­tion approach­es and encoun­ters the archive — whether as sub­ject, source or con­cept, and the inter­sec­tions between them— through embod­ied and sit­u­at­ed knowl­edge and cul­tur­al­ly dis­tinct perspectives.

Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary African Dias­po­ran Art: MoCA­DA Abo­li­tion House

July 16-Octo­ber 30

Nolan Park Build­ing 7A

At MoCA­DA Abo­li­tion House on Gov­er­nors Island, mid-career artists will use their unique plat­form, space, and resources to devel­op and present projects, films, per­for­mances, and oth­er new work relat­ed to social jus­tice. High­lights include Suprema­cy Project, a group instal­la­tion address­ing sys­temic vio­lence and oppres­sion that BIPOC fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties are fight­ing to end; Protest With Art, fea­tur­ing arti­facts col­lect­ed by The All Street Jour­nal that chron­i­cle the Black Lives Mat­ter Move­ment, move­ments for hous­ing jus­tice, and men­tal health caus­es; and short film features.

NARS Foun­da­tion: NARS Satel­lite Res­i­den­cy Exhibition

Nolan Park Build­ing 5B

Sep­tem­ber 10-Octo­ber 30

Curat­ed by NARS Cura­to­r­i­al Fel­low Jes­si­ca Duby, this exhi­bi­tion fea­tures works by NARS Foundation’s Satel­lite Artists in Res­i­dence on Gov­er­nors Island, along with artist-led work­shops and open studios.

Nation­al Acad­e­my of Design: Materia/​Material


Nolan Park Build­ing 7B

Nation­al Acad­e­my of Design is hold­ing a sum­mer res­i­den­cy for six artists in res­i­dence, along with sev­er­al open stu­dios and par­tic­i­pa­to­ry work­shops through­out the fall. 

NYC Audubon

Nolan Park Build­ing 17

August 6‑October 29

This fall, New York City Audubon will open the doors of their Gov­er­nors Island res­i­dence, invit­ing vis­i­tors inside the house to expe­ri­ence the world of urban birds in unex­pect­ed ways. In addi­tion, After­noon Bird Walks con­tin­ue every Sat­ur­day from 2 – 3:30pm.

Pratt School of Architecture’s Depart­ment of Grad­u­ate Archi­tec­ture and Urban Design (GAUD): Exper­i­men­tal Landings

Nolan Park Build­ing 14

Through Sep­tem­ber 5

This exhi­bi­tion inter­ro­gates how design­ers assert agency through the rep­re­sen­ta­tion, orga­ni­za­tion, and for­ma­tion of land. Join for a pan­el dis­cus­sion and recep­tion on Sep­tem­ber 1.

Pratt School of Architecture’s Depart­ment of Grad­u­ate Archi­tec­ture and Urban Design (GAUD): MS.Arch and MS.AUD Stu­dent Show 2022

Nolan Park Build­ing 14

Sep­tem­ber 16-Octo­ber 28

An exhi­bi­tion fea­tur­ing the work of stu­dents grad­u­at­ing from the Ms.Arch (Mas­ters of Sci­ence in Archi­tec­ture) and MS.AUD (Mas­ters of Sci­ence in Urban Design) in the sum­mer of 2022.

Swale: Metab­o­lism of Cities

Nolan Park Build­ing 11 & LMCC’s Arts Cen­ter at Gov­er­nors Island

Novem­ber 16 – 17

An annu­al sym­po­sium that will focus on the meta­bol­ic process­es that sus­tain life and that can build or rebuild the foun­da­tions of sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Co-pre­sent­ed by Urban Soils Insti­tute NYC and NYC Soil and Water Con­ser­va­tion District.

Swale: Free Soils Test­ing Events

Nolan Park Build­ing 11

August 27 & Sep­tem­ber 17

Vis­i­tors can bring soil sam­ples from home, and Swale and NYC Urban Soils Insti­tute will test it for heavy met­als con­tent on the spot. 

West Harlem Art Fund (WHAF)

Nolan Park Build­ing 10B

Sep­tem­ber 10-Octo­ber 30

West Harlem Art Fund will present Fall Arts, a new­ly curat­ed indoor show fea­tur­ing print, design, and sculp­ture art­works by NYC area artists. This fall, WHAF will also hold mono­print­ing work­shops on Sep­tem­ber 10, Sep­tem­ber 24, Octo­ber 8, and Octo­ber 22, led by artist Red Saga­low, and out­door tap-danc­ing work­shops on Octo­ber 2 and Octo­ber 9.

In addi­tion, Low­er Man­hat­tan Cul­tur­al Coun­cil (LMCC)’s Arts Cen­ter at Gov­er­nors Island – the first year-round home for the arts on the Island – con­tin­ues their 2022 sea­son through the fall months, with a site-spe­­cif­ic exhi­bi­tion by Amy Khosh­bin and Jen­nifer Khosh­bin, a four-chan­nel video instal­la­tion by Elis­sa Blount-Moor­­head and Brad­ford Young, a par­tic­i­pa­to­ry sculp­ture instal­la­tion by Simon Ben­jamin, and the month­ly Take Care pub­lic pro­grams series. The Arts Cen­ter is open Fri­day through Sun­day, with free admis­sion avail­able at www​.lmcc​.net.