! Alert

New York Harbor will be experiencing planned closures on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Because of this, Governors Island ferry service may be impacted between 12:30-1:30pm and 6:30-7:30pm on February 7. Times are subject to change; click here or follow us on Twitter for updates.

New York Harbor will be experiencing planned closures on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Because of this, Governors Island ferry service may be impacted between 12:30-1:30pm and 6:30-7:30pm on February 7. Times are subject to change; click here or follow us on Twitter for updates.

The Friends of Governors Island

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island is an inde­pen­dent non­prof­it that works to ensure the Island’s con­tin­ued growth and acces­si­bil­i­ty as a vibrant pub­lic resource. As the des­ig­nat­ed fundrais­ing part­ner of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and the Nation­al Park Ser­vice, the Friends stew­ards the Island’s green spaces, enhances the vis­i­tor expe­ri­ence and builds a com­mu­ni­ty ded­i­cat­ed to the Island’s future.

Our core activ­i­ties include run­ning Gov­er­nors Island’s vis­i­tor ser­vices and vol­un­teer pro­grams; rais­ing funds to care for the park’s land­scapes, expand pub­lic access, and cre­ate more free pro­gram­ming; and advo­cat­ing to ensure Gov­er­nors Island remains a shared space for all.

We wel­come dream­ers, inno­va­tors and nim­ble thinkers who want to help us shape this great pub­lic space for the next gen­er­a­tion of New York­ers. Join us!


The Friends of Governors Island

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island was found­ed in 1995 as the Gov­er­nors Island Alliance to advo­cate for the return of Gov­er­nors Island to the peo­ple of New York. The organization’s goal of rede­vel­op­ing the for­mer mil­i­tary base as a great civic space was the basis for the 2003 trans­fer of the Island from the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment to New York and the Nation­al Park Ser­vice. The Gov­er­nors Island Alliance became an inde­pen­dent non­prof­it in late 2014 and changed its name to the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island in 2016.

For the his­to­ry of Gov­er­nors Island, read more here.

Board of Directors

Chair: EB Kel­ly, Tish­man Spey­er
Vice Chair: Daniel Reynolds, Cleary Got­tlieb Steen & Hamil­ton LLP
Trea­sur­er: Justin Gins­burgh, Jet­Blue
Sec­re­tary: Han­nah Blu­men­thal, Han­nah Blu­men­thal Design

Bet­ty Chen, BYC Projects
Jesse Damashek, Dia­geo
Car­rie Den­ning Jack­son, Jamestown LLP
Lau­ra Fox, Streetlife Ven­tures
Adam Freed, Bloomberg Asso­ciates
Alizeh Gangji, Cove and Facet
Tal Golomb, Fried, Frank, Har­ris, Shriv­er & Jacob­son
Chris Grosso, Inter­sec­tion
Jamie Joyce, Liq­uid Rock Col­lec­tive LLC
Melanie Katz­man, Katz­man Con­sult­ing
Robert Levine, RAL Com­pa­nies and Affil­i­ates LLC
Xiao Lin­da Liu, McK­in­sey & Co.
Bri­an Miller, Angi
Char­lie Miller, Brook­field Asset Man­age­ment
Jame­son Mon­es, Black­stone
Rachel Mor­ri­son Mon­toya, Oxford Prop­er­ties
Tim­o­thy O’Brien, NYC Fer­ry
Marc Ricks, Shop­Core Prop­er­ties
Kon­stan­ti­nos Riza­kos, Gold­man Sachs & Co.
Dar­ren Schluter, PJT Park Hill Group, PJT Part­ners
Marc Tre­viño, Sul­li­van & Cromwell
Lau­ren Wolf, New York City Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment Corporation

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor: Pat­ti Davis


The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island’s audit­ed finan­cial state­ments are below. Note: the orga­ni­za­tion received its inde­pen­dent 501(c)(3) sta­tus at the end of 2014 and com­plet­ed its first inde­pen­dent fis­cal audit in 2015. For addi­tion­al finan­cial infor­ma­tion, please con­tact info@​friendsgi.​org.

2020 – 2021 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2018 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2017 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2016 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2015 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements