! Alert

New York Harbor will be experiencing planned closures on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Because of this, Governors Island ferry service may be impacted between 12:30-1:30pm and 6:30-7:30pm on February 7. Times are subject to change; click here or follow us on Twitter for updates.

New York Harbor will be experiencing planned closures on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Because of this, Governors Island ferry service may be impacted between 12:30-1:30pm and 6:30-7:30pm on February 7. Times are subject to change; click here or follow us on Twitter for updates.

Trust for Gov­er­nors Island Launch­es Liv­ing Lab, a New Slate of Pub­lic Pro­grams Ampli­fy­ing Cli­mate Action in New York City and Beyond


The Liv­ing Lab on Gov­er­nors Island, a key part of the Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions, includes annu­al cli­mate solu­tions chal­lenge, edu­ca­tion­al field trips, and cli­mate-focused com­mu­ni­ty con­ven­ing space.

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island announced today the launch of the Liv­ing Lab, a new plat­form for research, part­ner­ships, and pro­grams to ampli­fy cli­mate action. Ini­tia­tives announced today include an annu­al cli­mate solu­tions chal­lenge open to non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, entre­pre­neurs, and start-ups; the launch of cli­mate field trip pro­grams; and an inter­im com­mu­ni­ty con­ven­ing space on the Island. The Liv­ing Lab marks an excit­ing step for­ward in Gov­er­nors Island’s growth as a resource for cli­mate inno­va­tion and will help accel­er­ate, adopt, and imple­ment equi­table cli­mate solu­tions here in New York City and across the world. 

When we announced the New York Cli­mate Exchange as part of the Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions, we said New York­ers and vis­i­tors to Gov­er­nors Island would start to see an impact quick­ly. The Liv­ing Lab is one exam­ple of that impact,” said New York City May­or Eric Adams. Through this plat­form, New York City pub­lic school stu­dents will have oppor­tu­ni­ties for hands-on learn­ing about solu­tions to the cli­mate cri­sis, and experts will devel­op tools for them to bring what they learn back to their schools and their com­mu­ni­ties. We can­not just talk about solv­ing the cli­mate cri­sis — we must be about it, and the Liv­ing Lab will give all of us more tools to turn our words into actions.”

The Liv­ing Lab will help shine a light on the incred­i­ble research and inno­va­tions our city has to offer,” said Deputy May­or for Eco­nom­ic and Work­force Devel­op­ment Maria Tor­res-Springer. The ini­tia­tives announced today will cre­ate more oppor­tu­ni­ties for New York­ers of all ages and back­grounds to direct­ly engage with cli­mate solu­tions — in the class­room, on Gov­er­nors Island, and beyond.”

Gov­er­nors Island is an unmatched set­ting for stu­dents, non­prof­its, busi­ness­es, and entre­pre­neurs alike to learn about and test real world cli­mate solu­tions. Through the Liv­ing Lab, our com­mit­ment to equi­table cli­mate edu­ca­tion and action, com­mu­ni­ty con­ven­ing, and one-of-a-kind pilot oppor­tu­ni­ties will bring tan­gi­ble solu­tions one step clos­er to becom­ing a real­i­ty both here in NYC and around the world,” said Clare New­man, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island.

At Ama­zon, we’re active­ly work­ing to reduce emis­sions to reach net zero car­bon by 2040, so this part­ner­ship is one that we deeply val­ue. We’re also thrilled to sup­port this col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Liv­ing Lab, so we can work with the smartest minds to help tack­le solu­tions to cli­mate change,” said Car­ley Gra­ham Gar­cia, Amazon’s Head of Com­mu­ni­ty Affairs, New York.

Gov­er­nors Island is a lit­tle island with big ideas,” said Arturo Gar­cia-Costas, The New York Com­mu­ni­ty Trust’s pro­gram offi­cer for envi­ron­men­tal grant­mak­ing. We are thrilled to sup­port its efforts to encour­age new think­ing and inno­v­a­tive prob­lem-solv­ing to the all-hands-on-deck chal­lenge of human-dri­ven cli­mate change.”

Cli­mate mit­i­ga­tion and resilience work is essen­tial to pro­tect­ing our com­mu­ni­ties, espe­cial­ly our most vul­ner­a­ble com­mu­ni­ties, from the impacts of cli­mate change. Deutsche Bank Amer­i­c­as Foun­da­tion is proud to sup­port the Liv­ing Lab in order to fos­ter a space for solu­tions to cli­mate change,” said Lisa Tal­ma, Vice Pres­i­dent of Phil­an­thropic Ini­tia­tives in the Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Finance Group at Deutsche Bank.

We are proud to sup­port the Liv­ing Lab and the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island’s work to bring togeth­er research, part­ner­ships, and pro­grams to ampli­fy cli­mate action as part of May­or Adams’ Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions. Cli­mate change threat­ens our under­served com­mu­ni­ties the most, and through ini­tia­tives such as the annu­al cli­mate solu­tions chal­lenge, edu­ca­tion­al field trips, and the cli­mate-focused com­mu­ni­ty con­ven­ing space, the Liv­ing Lab will fos­ter fresh ener­gy, build bridges toward equi­table solu­tions, and inspire pos­i­tive change for all New York­ers,” said Valerie White, LISC NY Senior Exec­u­tive Director.

The Liv­ing Lab’s Cli­mate Solu­tions Pilot­ing Pro­gram includes two com­po­nents: a themed Annu­al Chal­lenge and a gen­er­al rolling call. Appli­ca­tions for the Annu­al Chal­lenge, a recur­ring sum­mer chal­lenge with new themes and a cash prize, are due by August 15, 2023. This year’s theme, Water Abun­dance, seeks pro­pos­als address­ing how water can help to pow­er cli­mate solu­tions that grow blue and green jobs and cre­ate health­i­er com­mu­ni­ties. Through the Annu­al Chal­lenge, up to five win­ners will receive a pilot­ing project site, a $10,000 grant award, and access to a com­mon pool of $100,000 in addi­tion­al sup­port. Sep­a­rate­ly, the gen­er­al rolling call for pro­pos­als is open for test­ing and demon­strat­ing cli­mate solu­tions across all dis­ci­plines. Non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, entre­pre­neurs, and start-ups are invit­ed to apply to the Annu­al Chal­lenge online at www​.gov​is​land​.org/​c​h​a​l​lenge.

Anoth­er inte­gral edu­ca­tion­al com­po­nent of the Liv­ing Lab is the devel­op­ment of a suite of envi­ron­men­tal cur­ric­u­la for edu­ca­tors and stu­dents to access dur­ing vis­its to Gov­er­nors Island, pro­vid­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for young New York­ers to learn about cli­mate change and prac­tice cli­mate actions that they can take back to their class­room and com­mu­ni­ty. The cli­mate focused field trips pilot will launch in the fall of 2023 and expand to year-round day trips for New York City stu­dents grades three through eight. The Trust is cur­rent­ly seek­ing an edu­ca­tion­al cur­ricu­lum con­sul­tant as part of this ini­tia­tive via a Request for Pro­pos­als. An inter­im con­ven­ing space that show­cas­es inno­v­a­tive resilient and sus­tain­able design and sup­ports pro­gram­ming, work­shops and gath­er­ings host­ed by non-prof­its, envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice orga­ni­za­tions, and com­mer­cial part­ners that are open to all Gov­er­nors Island vis­i­tors, will also be a fea­ture of the Liv­ing Lab. 

The Liv­ing Lab is made pos­si­ble with the gen­er­ous sup­port of Ama­zon, Con Edi­son, Don­ald A. Pels Char­i­ta­ble Trust, the New York Com­mu­ni­ty Trust, Deutsche Bank, and LISC.

The Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions was announced as a key piece of New York City May­or Eric Adams’ Rebuild, Renew, Rein­vent: A Blue­print for New York City’s Eco­nom­ic Recov­ery.” Ded­i­cat­ed to prepar­ing New York City and cities around the world for cli­mate change, the Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions is a mul­ti-pronged ini­tia­tive that will cre­ate a sin­gu­lar phys­i­cal hub com­mit­ted to research­ing and demon­strat­ing urban cli­mate solu­tions, and advanc­ing edu­ca­tion, train­ing, and work­force devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for New York­ers in cli­mate and envi­ron­men­tal fields. 

Fol­low­ing a two-year com­pet­i­tive process, in May May­or Eric Adams and the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island announced the selec­tion of The New York Cli­mate Exchange, a new cross-sec­tor non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion as the anchor edu­ca­tion­al and research insti­tu­tion for the Cen­ter for Cli­mate Solu­tions. Led by Stony Brook Uni­ver­si­ty, the Exchange will cre­ate a state-of-the-art, $700-mil­lion, 400,000-square-foot cam­pus ded­i­cat­ed to research­ing and devel­op­ing inno­v­a­tive cli­mate solu­tions that will be scaled across New York City and the world and that will equip New York­ers to hold the green jobs of the future. The Exchange will also cre­ate thou­sands of per­ma­nent green jobs and gen­er­ate $1 bil­lion in eco­nom­ic impact for New York City. The con­sor­tium will func­tion as a hub for edu­ca­tion and train­ing to grow green jobs for New York­ers and includes 15 mem­bers rep­re­sent­ing lead­ing uni­ver­si­ties from around the world, as well as busi­ness and non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions ded­i­cat­ed to devel­op­ing and deploy­ing solu­tions to the glob­al cli­mate crisis.